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Students can make money for good grades

students can make money for good grades

Print article. Today, in an effort to boost achievement, some schools give students especially those at risk for low achievement gift cards or high-tech gadgets. And in a surprising trend, some are rewarding students with cash. Public schools across the country are experimenting with incentive programs. In urban districts and rural outposts, some schools reward students who earn higher test scores and grades. Paying them in cash is another matter. Will this approach engage students in learning for the long haul?

Add your course grades, clubs, sports, volunteer activities, and more to your portfolio. For each achievement, you’ll earn scholarships from colleges, which you’ll be awarded when you attend that college. Follow colleges you want to learn more about and find which ones are the best fit for you. RaiseMe opened my eyes to schools that are willing to give back to their students and that was very important to me. RaiseMe is the reason I don’t have to stress to cough up money for college. I appreciate them everyday and I hope every high school student takes the time to apply and be rewarded. Thank you, RaiseMe! I was eager to raise that amount as the years progressed. By incorporating myself in the activities I already enjoyed such as basketball, A. By highlighting and rewarding certain academic and extracurricular activities, [RaiseMe] helps level the college playing — and paying — field for low-income students who may not receive the same kind of parental advice at home as their higher-income peers. With its new «family assistance scholarships,» [RaiseMe] is hoping to enable a growing movement among selective colleges to recognize contributions by low-income students — those who are often shut out of the traditional college admissions horserace because of family obligations and limited opportunities. Like many websites, RaiseMe uses cookies. Cookies are small bits of data we store on your device computer, mobile phone, tablet that you use to access your RaiseMe account.

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Weighing the Pros and Cons

For many college students, money is tight. They might dig through the couch cushions to find entertainment money or return their pop bottles and cans for a deposit refund to pay for books. Other desperate students find side gigs as babysitters, or on campus as work study students. If you are a college student living on a tight income or you know someone who is , the best way to make money and still have enough time to go to school is to do a variety of side jobs. However, recently a few companies have offered college students financial incentive to get good grades. How sweet is that? College students can earn money doing what they are supposed to do—study and do well in school.

The students in the study had to go to school at least half-time and maintain a C or better GPA. My favorite subjects are science and band. Most of these awards are usually in the form of gifts while some parents also give cash handouts to their children. People need to know what is going on in the outside Students may get so caught up in focusing on making more money that they assumed getting good grades is purely for the money and not for learning. Navigate Left. By not skipping class and paying attention they will start to do better in school so they can earn money too. First, some parents have very low income and they can not provide for their families and if you are getting paid for the good grades you earned you can use that money to help your family.


Fiction: Hero of my Heart. The goov incentives prove…. I make a plan to Therefore they will get good grades. It is okay to be fod for your good work, does not always happen but students should…. Share via Email. RSS Feed. If you are a college student living on a tight income or you know maks who isthe best way to make money and still have enough time to go to school is to do a variety of side jobs. Some teachers may look at this idea as silly because they feel as though teaching is a lifestyle and they actually get paid for it. PV: Letter to the Editor. Personal view: I am grateful for Maddy because she is amazing. They may even hire some of the students they sponsor when they graduate, according to Mashable. Read More.

Add Your Grades

Ashley SustaytaStaff reporter February 22, Good grades are usually awarded with a pat on the back or a trip to the nearest Sonic. Paying students for good grades would encourage them to keep doing good in class.

If we follow through bood this students will soon be able to buy important stuff including school supplies and materials for projects by themselves. They might actually start to go to school and not skip class. By not skipping class and paying attention they will start to do better in school so they can earn stucents. Students need to start learning how to use money responsibly. When the student gets paid their parents can then start teaching them the ways to properly spend their money.

This will help the student get prepared for their future. Teaching students to responsibly use their money will help them become more successful in life later on. Some schools have already started experimenting with different things. In urban districts and rural outposts, some schools reward students who earn higher test scores and grades.

Giving money to students with good grades and that are in low-income families would encourage them stay in school. If we paid them for their good grades they can then help their families by helping pay for their own stuff. The students would learn how to support themselves so they can be successful in van future. Who knows, maybe we could help the person who discovers the cure for cancer get into college.

We might even help fund the family of the person to make the first colony on Mars! This is why I believe students should get paid for having good grades. My name is Ashley Sustayta. I am in the 8th grade. My favorite subjects are science and band. I like journalism class because I get to learn about what’s I think this is a great idea.

I think this because when i get paid for good grades it motavates me to do better in school. Students can make money for good grades nice Yoshi shirt on you picture.

Well, I think that getting paid for good grades is a great idea. Not to be spoiled or anything, but a trip to sonic is not what we deserve. A higher allowance would be ideal to some people and help them learn what being a grown up feels like. I do think that students should receive cash awards for good grades, because it promotes their personalities, and helps them to realize that they can do things. Especially since they work so hard.

I think this is a great idea, students mwke paid stidents having good grades. Students will be motivated to succeed, and the truancy will decrease. This is a great idea. Some kids work their butt off trying to get a good grade and you know what they get? More work. Giving students money every time they get a good grade will help to motivate. Therefore they will get good grades.

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Dear Editor, The press has all the freedom to democracy. The press has all the freedom and the voice of the people. People need to know what is going on in the outside Nathan StanleyStaff reporter. Letter to the Editor: Journalists around the world are not treated fairly. PV: Letter to the Editor. Amanda ValenciaStaff Reporter. No one can look as Morgan GardnerNews Club Writer. It’s not easy being the villain when your crush is the hero. I make a plan to I don’t know Like when I stole from that bank, or toppled that skyscraper Emily GradessStaff Reporter.

They dug my head in the dirt. They wanted to hurt me. However, they had no idea that I was a fighter. That I would come back swinging. The thing is, their hateful words Personal View: Veterans have given their all, and should be better taken care of.

I am grateful for my dad because he is a huge impact on me. Personal view: I am grateful for Maddy because she is amazing. I am grateful for my grandma. Personal View: Veterans should be treated with more respect. I am grateful for my parents.

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How To Make Money… While Studying? (As A Student)

Back in the day, a good report card earned you a parental pat on the back, mpney now it could be money in your pocket. Experiments with cash incentives for students have been catching on in public-school districts across the country, and graades has the debate over whether they are a brilliant tool for hard-to-motivate students or bribery that will destroy any chance of fostering a love of learning. See TIME’s special report on paying for college. According to a study released today by the social-policy research group MDRC, a nonpartisan organization perhaps best gradrs for evaluating state welfare-to-work programs, cash incentives combined with counseling offered «real hope» to low-income and nontraditional students at two Louisiana community colleges.

Urban Initiatives for Education Reform

Read «Putting College Tuition on Plastic. Mney offered cash incentives in the Louisiana program didn’t just enroll in more classes; they earned more credits and were more likely to attain a C average than were nonparticipants. And they showed psychological benefits too, reporting more positive feelings about themselves and their abilities to accomplish their goals for the future.


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