What do you do? How can you publish a remix, what exactly CAN you remix, how can you do it fully legally, how can you sell it, and what are the risks associated with going the bootleg route? First of all, there are two options: a remix and a cover. A cover can sometimes be presented as a remix. The difference is important. A remix is a track that has taken portions of the actual audio recording from the original track and used them in a new creative song recording. A cover is a song that uses no actual audio from the original, but is derivative of the original arrangement the composition of the melody and harmony, plus any lyrics. The audio can be from both the master track or separate track stems. Covers are MUCH easier to deal with when it comes to legality, as you are working only with the material that the songwriter owns, not the material that both the songwriter AND owner of the recording have a claim to. Songwriters and recording owners get paid for and license their works throu...