Paul Tilley is a true master when it comes to Tumblr and he has created one of the best online courses on making money off Tumblr. He’ll show you exactly how to create your first sites and can i make money through tumblr to automate the whole thing to scale up! When it comes to making money onlineTumblr is one network to consider. The catch with making money on Tumblr or using Tumblr in general is abiding by their rules. Reblogging is an important Tumblr feature to keep in mind when trying to make money on their network. Reblogging is essentially the option other Tumblr users have to repost posts from your Tumblr blog to theirs. Another important feature to keep in mind is tagging: tag your posts with a few good keywords so that your posts show up when someone is growing a tag.
Sell Products
To imagine a way to connect with friends and other people without social networking is almost impossible. Social networking has helped us get closer to our friends and other people throughout the world, even if they are miles away from us. Social networking is a billion dollar industry and I doubt most of us even remember when it did start. The First Social Networking Site, Geocities, was created in , allowing users to create and customize their own websites. Since then this industry has only grown. Among these is Tumblr, a combination of a microblogging and social networking website that is working its way through this tough industry. With such huge numbers, you must have got an idea about how good the business model of Tumblr can be. But before moving on to Tumblr Business Model and how d oes Tumblr make money? Founded on February 19, , by David Karp, Tumblr is one of the leading blogging, microblogging, and social networking platforms.
Ad Networks
The inception of Tumblr began in David was interested in tumblelogs short-form blogs and had been eagerly waiting for one of the existing blogging websites to start one of their own. So after waiting for a year, when his expectations failed to pan out, he and developer Marco Arment decided to start their own tumblelogging platform. And so Tumblr was born and within two weeks the service had gained 75, users. Tumblr featured its first major brand advertising campaign in conjunction with Adidas in June On June 20, , Tumblr was acquired by Yahoo! It is now under the parent company Verizon, which acquired Yahoo in Tumblr, as of August 1, , hosts over million blogs and more than Tumblr is one of the best places for creators to find an audience for their content. However, Tumblr business model offers its users a number of various other features which distinguish it from other social networking websites and gives them a chance to be as creative as they can to enhance their blogs. The dashboard is the main page for a Tumblr user.
Go On, Tell Us What You Think!
Today, there is a wide selection of social networks where you can find like minds, share experiences and even promote your ideas. Some of the platforms are focused on sending a message via texts, others accumulate visual content. Thus, it is easy to find the right one and reach out to people with the same interests. One of such networks is Tumblr: it allows people to share short posts, pictures and other types of content and promote their personal websites and blogs. So, the question is how to use Tumblr to your advantage?
Advertisements and Sponsored Content Draw on 200 Million Blogs and Followers
Tumblr is widely use by individuals and businesses to share ideas. Business typically use Tumblr to promote products, services and promotions, along with showcasing a bit of personality to their customers. While the platform may not seem like a money making machine at first glance, businesses can earn money through their Tumblr blog.
The idea is to engage customers on a platform they trust, which leads them directly to your products and services. To earn directly from your posts on Tumblr, use ad networks, such as Google Adsense. The only problem is the ads may actually come from the competition. However, when a visitor to your blog clicks on the ad, you’ll be paid. If you have a large following, the earnings can add up. If you want to have a more professional appearance, placing ads on your blog can turn off customers, unless the ads are relevant to your business.
For instance, a wedding planner with ads for wedding photographers or caterers actually helps the visitor. Choose the ad networks you use carefully to prevent your Tumblr blog from looking cluttered. If your business serves customers through sites such as eBay or Amazon, you can place affiliate or direct product links on your Tumblr.
An engaging post about how to use a specific product, or a humorous story about how a certain product helped you in a tight situation, along with the product link helps to increase sales. If you don’t mind recommending products that you don’t sell, you can use affiliate programs to offer your visitors different products. For instance, if you run a lawn care service, you might use the Amazon Affiliate program to recommend books on caring for a lawn, or what plants are best for specific areas.
Promoting something other than your own business makes the blog seem more friendly and less promotional, plus you make money for each affiliate sale. If you want your business to be in front of more potential customers, you need visitors to re-blog your posts on Tumblr.
The more a post is re-blogged, the more interested people become, leading to more overall sales. To best engage readers, create short, entertaining, informative posts. Follow up by talking with customers. The better relationship you create, the more followers and re-blogs you’ll. Tumblr isn’t about posting long, detailed blogs. Part of Tumblr’s appeal is that it uses short posts to convey messages.
Visitors prefer something short and to the point. Visit popular Tumblr blogs and notice the word count. Keep your posts approximately the same length. It’s also perfectly acceptable to post a few sentences with an image or video.
Anytime you run a promotion, blog about it. Tumblr is part blog network and part social network. If you advertise your promotions to your Tumblr followers, they might re-blog it, further spreading the message. You’ll receive more traffic to your site and more interest in your promotion than if you didn’t advertise it at all. Tumblr wasn’t designed to help users or businesses make money.
It was designed as a social blogging service. Earning money directly or indirectly from Tumblr requires patience. You must first build a following and continuously maintain the blog.
It can take time to develop the right voice that appeals to your customers. Crowder has been a freelance writer on a variety of topics including but not limited to technology, education, music, can i make money through tumblr and pets since Crowder holds an A. S degree in networking and one in software development and continues to develop programs and websites in addition to writing.
Skip to main content. Sell Products If your business serves customers through sites such as eBay or Amazon, you can place affiliate or direct product links on your Tumblr.
Keep Posts Short Tumblr isn’t about posting long, detailed blogs. Advertise Promotions Anytime you run a promotion, blog about it.
Be Patient Tumblr wasn’t designed to help users or businesses make money. About the Author C. Accessed 20 January Crowder, C. Small Business — Chron. Note: Depending on which text editor you’re pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site .
Tumblr Marketing — How To Make Money With Tumblr
Tumblr as a medium mney offer any way to get paid for the posts you make, but you can turn your Tumblr blog into a source of revenue. For some users, the easiest method is to place ads on your blog page or even within your posts. However, using your Tumblr blog as a method of social media to complement your business has the potential to make you more money in the long run. The simplest way to get paid for blogging on Tumblr is to include ads on your blog.
Ad Networks
If you’re new to working with ad space, you can use a service like Google AdSense for easy integration into your blog. You can ii sell ad space independently, though this often requires either strong networking connections or contacting businesses directly. To get paid for your specific posts, you might look into affiliate marketing or signing up to write sponsored posts for companies in turn for payment. Affiliate marketing can work in a number of ways — some methods work on commission, while others pay when your visitors complete some sort of action. According to Darren Rowse of ProBlogger, this can work well for bloggers, throufh only if mak audience is one that trusts your word and is likely to act on your posts. Some services to help bloggers meet up with advertisers on sponsored posts include PayPerPost and SocialSpark links in Resources. If you have a good or service that you sell, don’t be afraid to sell it through Tumblr — just don’t forget that Tumblr makee value personal throygh over copy-and-paste marketing content. You can use your Tumblr blog to promote any shop, whether you run it from your own website or have an Etsy store; the key is to keep your Tumblr blog active and engage your followers. You can use Tumblr as an extension of your social media to reach a different market, such as BustedTees has done with its Tumblr account. The demographic on Tumblr is overseas, with the Tumglr, Brazil and Australia the top three countries for users. The users are predominantly female and are mostly 18 to
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