The Wiki is still looking for worthy edits. Are you new to truck sim games? Quick Links Full collection of links :. Trucky MP Companion App. RES users: Besg subreddit is night mode compatible. Once you have your own truck and are tied to finding contracts close to the city you’re currently in is it better to take the highest paying load which is also usually the longest trip or take the highest paying per mile load even if the distance is shorter? EDIT: I want to add that I quick save every minute or two and reload from the most recent simulztor if I wreck or get a fine so there is no incentive for me to take shorter trips since I rarely incur any damage. I took the 9k load then in the next city found a similar load at american truck simulator best way to make money 8k for miles so in about the same distance and same amount of skmulator I made 17k hauling two loads instead of 14k hauling one. I was just wondering if anyone else had seen this possibility. I think it’s better not to pick up jobs that are paying high money per mile travelled, especially if the distance you have to cover is relatively on the shorter. Because if any damage is to be induced to your cargo en route to the destination, then the money they will deduct will pretty much overshadow your base earning a big let. Thus I think it’s rather better to pick jobs that are paying you relatively mediocre money for per mile travelled but are long distance, which I think strikes the perfect balance.
All most important aspects of American Truck Simulator , the newest truck driver simulator game, are described in this guide. Here you will find presentations of the carrier phases, advices related to developing the driver, job market, using the bank, available trucks, modifying the vehicles and basics of controlling the truck. From the guide you will also learn how to set proper gearbox, how to complete contracts and how to park. You will find here a map that shows the game world, including a map of all truck dealers and job agencies. Roads in each country were described, similarly as situations that might occur during the ride. Finally there are descriptions of all cities available in the game. In the guide you will also find advices related to online accounts, Steam achievements and many other interesting aspects. Blue color marks various actions made in the game such as taking a loan, employing someone, buying a truck, buying or improving the garage. It also marks truck brands and company names.
1. Follow the Rules of the Road!
Green color marks various objects and actions in the game, for example quick contract, package market, car showroom, job agencies, port, gas station etc. The default key responsible for an action is marked with brown color. Orange color is used for marking cities’ names and states. The guide was created based on version 0. In the future it will be improved and updated. Marcin «ViruS» Skretkowicz www. American Truck Simulator is a simulator of driving a truck. The game allows us to drive massive 18 wheelers across North America. We are freighting various goods and we have to make sure that cargo will reach its destination point on time. Developer payed attention to recreating the road map faithfully so we can drive on the most important highways and expressways in USA and Canada, connecting most of their transit cities. The game’s engine offers smooth running of the game as well as detailed cities, recognizable thanks to many characteristic buildings.
How to Earn More Money Faster
American Truck Simulator is one of the best simulation game we have come across. The game is similar to the Euro Truck Simulator 2, the Player will experience the legendary American trucks and deliver various cargoes across sunny California and sandy Nevada. In order to buy new trucks you need money and this guide is exactly about earning easy money. Money in American Truck Simulation is used to buy trucks and hire the drivers for them. There are Different ways to earn and grab the money, but we will show you the 2 best methods which are easy and legal. So without any further ado, let’s begin with the Money Guide. The Easy way to earn money is cheating, but here we have an alternative to that.
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Fast Travel between your second garage and main head quarter garage back and forth as many times as you like and the money will be flying in. Note : This will immediately move from the amount of time needed to bring the truck back to you. Updated on April 10, Thank you for sharing! Nite69 View Profile View Posts. This will make your workers paid for the successful delivery supplies. I don’t recommend doing this during quick jobs, though, unless absolutely necessary. Though the game does offer a tutorial in the beginning, we’ve picked up a few things on our own along the way. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Her favourite genres are simulation games, tycoons, RPG, city-builders, puzzles, and more! This is used to prevent bots and spam. Money in American Truck Simulation is used to buy trucks and hire the drivers for them. Some of the highway exits particularly in Arizona are a bit confusing so be sure to check your map for your turns in advance. Let me know in the comments section below!
Fast money
So don’t expect to american truck simulator best way to make money up your own truck in Albuquerque! Don’t crash into other cars- or let them crash into you. Which tip do you find the most bext Note : This will immediately move from the amount of time needed to bring the truck back to you. This is used to detect comment spam. The game will keep your truck running for you without you having to hold down the up button at that same speed until you break. Typically, you have 13 hours at the start of each job if doing a Quick Job. That’s cool, Chris! Javascript software libraries such as jQuery are loaded at endpoints on the googleapis. The next big milestones in the game are upgrading your garage and mame your first driver to work for you! This is used to provide traffic data and reports to the authors of articles on the HubPages Service. Press F6 and look at the «next rest stop in When you park when doing a delivery, you’ll have three options-Skilled Parking, in which you’ll have to back up into the space, Safe Parking in which you can drive straight into the space, and the third, in which you skip parking altogether. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Easy money in American Truck Simulator
Brittany is a PC gaming addict! Her favourite genres are simulation games, tycoons, RPG, city-builders, puzzles, and more! The game allows you to drive your own truck to deliver goods through four American states currently Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Oregon, with Washington coming soon.
Between myself and my husband, we’ve played at least hours of this game, and it’s a favourite in our household. Though the game does offer a tutorial in the beginning, we’ve picked up a few things on our own along the way. Don’t forget to signal when switching lanes. The traffic AI recognises your signals, so it’s best to give them a head’s up that you’re going into their lane, or wanting to turn, before doing so.
You won’t get a fine, but it’s still important to signal. To keep yourself from breaking the speeding rule above, one great thing to do is use the «cruise control» feature. Get your sumulator up to a speed close to the mondy I usually give myself 5 points variance, so if the speeding limit is 65, I’ll get up nake 60then press the «C» button to go into cruise control.
The game will keep your truck running for you without you having to hold down the up button at that same speed until you break. This is great for those long stretches of highway or long-haul drives; one aamerican button to hold down, and you can focus more on switching lanes, if necessary. Parking can be a bit hard sinulator newbies, especially if you have a big trailer hooked to your truck. When you park when doing a delivery, you’ll have three options-Skilled Parking, in which you’ll have to back up into the space, Safe Parking in which you can drive straight into the space, and the third, in which you skip parking altogether.
While I don’t recommend skipping the parking as you won’t be granted any XP pointsI do recommend doing the Safe option, at least when you’re first starting. You still get XP points for parking and it’s heaps easier than trying to backup your trailer.
Just take it slow aamerican steady and as soon as you get the notification to lower your legs, hit the T button. Most of the time, you don’t even have to get the trailer completely straight. You’ve probably noticed the sleep and gas icons on your navigation menu, but when you’re doing quick jobs, you don’t really need to worry about either one. Quick jobs are maks to be done in a short amount of time, so you should have enough rest and gas to complete them without stopping, unless you’ve gotten lost or had an accident on the way.
You can check how much time americcan have before needing to sleep by checking in your navigation menu. Bedt F6 and look at beet «next rest stop in Typically, you have 13 hours at the start of each job if doing a Quick Job. When you’ve got your own truck and are doing your own jobs, make sure mobey do sleep either during your job, or between jobs.
To sleep, look for the bed icon on the map usually situated in gas stations, sometimes hotels, parking lots. You’ll gain experience points for completing jobs on time or early, for having your truck and trailer in tact, and parking.
As you gain XP, you’ll level up, and also gain points which can be used to unlock special skills, which further allow you to make more money per job and gain more XP. On my first play through, I made the mistake of putting too many points into Fuel Economy, but it’s pretty much the most useless one. You can put one point towards each one in the beginning so you get a mix of them all, but definitely put the most points towards the first three, as they’ll be the americzn beneficial in terms of money and XP as you continue on.
Check out your GPS while driving- if you’re in an area you’ve never been before, you’ll see all the roads are grey, but as you drive down them «discover» themthey’ll turn yellow. You can see the same roads on the menu map. Much like driving in real life, it pays to be aware of your surroundings in the game. Some of the highway exits particularly in Arizona are a bit confusing so be sure to check your map for your turns in advance.
Also beware for things on the road like sudden traffic, accidents, road work, and road closures. All of these random events can impact your journey as.
Don’t worry about tumbleweeds. Unlike real life, you can run over them without messing up your tires! If miss your freeway exit or get lost somehow, don’t fear- the GPS will automatically redirect you and find you an alternate route.
Also, If you get in a bad accident or can’t get «unstuck» from a ditch, call assistance services. It’ll cost a fee and take some time out of your job, but they will drive you to a nearby town and you can get your truck fixed, or just continue on with your journey. I don’t recommend doing this during quick jobs, though, unless absolutely necessary.
This is more for when trruck have your own truck and can «free drive», but the GPS isn’t just used for trucl from one job to. You can plot pretty much anything on the game’s map by dropping pins.
Want to drive makw the dealership in LA to a rest stop in Vegas? Drop the pins in the menu map and let your GPS show you the way. Now let’s get into getting your own truck- one of the game’s first big milestones.
It can be exciting and tempting to want to buy a truck right away; you can design it how you want check out my pink truck above! On top of that, you’ll koney to give yourself some extra money, for damages, fines, and gas. You can also take out a loan which you will automatically pay back daily at pmbut just make sure you have some money trucck before making the big purchase. The next big milestones in the game are upgrading your garage and hiring your first driver to work for you!
However, these steps have to be done in an exact order. After that, you can hire a driver and have them working for you! Having drivers is a great way to earn residual income. This is my personal tip from a hard lesson learned: if you have your own truck and accept a quick job, just realize that your truck will be left behind wherever you last drove it- it won’t follow you to ebst destination of your quick job.
So if you drove your simulahor to San Diego and then took a quick job besst San Diego to Albuquerque, you’ll be hoping into the companies’ truck and making the trip.
When you finish, the game will put you back in San Diego, into your own truck. So don’t expect to pick up your own truck in Albuquerque! If you want to always drive your own truck, pick jobs from the Freight Market si,ulator of Quick Jobs.
That’s it for now! Do you have amrican other tips, tricks or suggestions for new players of American Truck Simulator? Which tip do ammerican find the most useful? Let too know in the comments section below!
Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting moneg articles or other sites. That’s cool, Chris! Thank you for bfst Docking is so tricky in the simulattor, even after 25 hrs I’m still not good at it. Just picked up this game today and it is better than I expected.
Thank wwy for the tips, I will apply them next time I play! Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their wmerican owners. HubPages trkck Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and.
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Updated on April 10, Brittany Brown. Follow the Rules of the Road! Just like driving in real life, there are rules on the road that you have to follow: Keep an eye on the speed limit at all times you can find the speed limit on street signs, but it’s always displayed on your navigation screen. Speeding tickets can incur a hefty fine. Watch out for the California Highway Patrol laying low on the side of the freeway!
Amerlcan run red lights- you’ll get a fine. Make sure you turn on your headlights when applicable. If other cars have theirs on, it’s a simulatog idea to keep yours own.
Also, be sure to turn them on in the rain. Again, you’ll get a fine for not say them on. Don’t crash into other cars- or let them crash into you. Not only will you damage your truck and trailer, but fo also get- you guessed it- a fine! Cruise Control is Your Best Friend To keep yourself from breaking the speeding rule above, one great thing to do is use the «cruise control» feature. Don’t Worry About Gas or Sleep on Quick Jobs You’ve probably noticed the sleep and gas icons on your navigation menu, but when you’re doing quick jobs, you don’t really need to worry about either one.
Use Your Skill Points Strategically. There are six skills you can unlock in the game: Hazardous Cargo: Allows you to transport hazardous goods, like explosives, gases, and bio-hazard items. Long Distance: Allows you to drive longer distances; expect long-haul trips, like a hour drive from Northern Nevada to Arizona, for example. High Value Cargo: Transport loads that have a high value, like diggers and forklifts.
These also just look really cool on the back of your truck. Fragile Cargo: Transport fragile goods, such as cars, glass, and electronics.
You’ll have to drive fast, avoid fuel and rest simuator, and avoid any sort of accidents. However, the pay is quite good for delivering in time. New Roads Are Highlighted As You Discover Them Check out your GPS while driving- if you’re in an area you’ve never been before, you’ll see all the roads are grey, but as you drive down them «discover» themthey’ll turn yellow.
American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 Money and XP cheat
How to Earn More Money Faster
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Global Achievements. Showing 1 — 8 of 8 comments. Rookiest View Profile View Posts. You can sell additional garages, not the first one. This game already has unrealistically high earnings, no real reason for increase. Originally posted by rookie31st :. Not sure about selling garages; never been in a position to want or have to do. Your hired drivers are the key to your future sucess and wealth — initially they make very little money for you. You can’t pay them over the odds — they are just Scripts working in the background. You can, to some extent, «influence» just how much and how quickly they start to generate revenue by placing them at garages where they are most likely to be able to get a return load. So, look for those Cities that have three or four Industries and then look at how much work is offered by way of loads to those places. Also look at those Cities that have monsy or four other Cities relatively close by. Drivers working out of those places are more likely to get a return load. Remember, if america driver goes all the way from, say San Diego to Eureka the chances of them returning empty are much higher than if they work out of somewhere like Bakersfield and delivering to somewhere relativelt closer.
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