First of all, a niche is a specific area of a market which has its own particular requirements, customers and products. It could be vegan recipes for career women who want to keep fit — this is an example of a super niche. Only by narrowing down your audience and picking a inche blog niche would you be able to have more engagements, conversions, and ultimately mame revenue. Your blog niche determines how successful your blog will be in the long run and how much you can earn from it. Gone are the days when we could use Technorati to find quality blogs. Once a search tool for identifying bloggers in your niche, it has now transformed into a fully-fledged advertising network.
Profitable niche
Do the short and easy tasks in this post as you read through so that you don’t miss anything. Although keyword research is NOT the full picture, actually a small part of a bigger process, it shows instant demand. I tend to stick with USA as it’s the largest English speaking market and where the bulk of spending on the internet is. Remember, we just want an idea if this is something popular or not so don’t get too caught up in what you choose. Choose the Keyword Ideas tab. Vague keyword volumes with a free Google Keyword Account. And for the broad terms like this you WANT big demand otherwise you’re going to be scrapping around in small niches that don’t have as much money being spent. For years it was the best free, and accurate, option as the results came direct from the source themselves. It’s currently only allowing full access to paying Adwords customers who want to advertise on Google. But this is NOT a problem for you right now as all you are doing is validating your ideas have large search volumes, and the data still shows this. Remember all you’re doing at this stage is validating if your niche has high demand and a lot of interest. Though it’s worth keeping in mind that just because something is not as popular as it once was doesn’t mean it’s no longer profitable.
What’s a niche in blogging?
The best niches are ones with both physical and digital products available on sale and lots of them. Though many niches will only be one or the other and that isn’t a problem as long as there’s a good selection of products and a demand for them. Seeing s of reviews is a good sign. It’s estimated that for every 1 reviews anywhere between 10 to people have actually bought the product, as not everyone leaves reviews. Quickly take a note of the rough average number of customer reviews the products on the front page have. It doesn’t have to be exact or that accurate it’s just for reference later so you don’t have to do this task again. Also write down the number of search results for your niche that come down for later reference Number of Amazon search results. Ideal markets are ones where there’s not just one single product to sell but many you can sell to your visitors time and time again. Clickbank Search for Survival Niche shows products.
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You want to start an online business , but you have no idea what the best niche markets are? In fact, choosing a niche is the biggest hurdle faced by most digital entrepreneurs. This is also the point where these same entrepreneurs stumble and fall because they make a critical mistake: They assume. So, what most online entrepreneurs do is forge ahead, deciding to be mavericks. Their passion for their niche is undeniable. But the issue was nobody was spending their cash in that market. A better niche strategy is to simply tap into an established market, selling what people are already buying. They put their own spin on each one, doing their best to make it look like original research.
Why choose a blogging niche?
Nowadays, things are not that easy anymore. January 24, at pm. They can be physical or digital products. Go simple. Images below are some examples I found using Spyfu Free Search. Hey Gang, this was a great list. You’ll learn what’s the best blog niche to make money with after you come up with content and get some data to draw conclusions on. No spam. However, we can safely assume that if people continue to put high levels of effort into a site for years as all of the above have they are doing so because they get a return on their investment. To guesstimate the profitability of this topic, we can apply this keyword data to Spyfu to determine how much advertisers are spending. I liked all of them it is a great case study on how to do web marketing the right way. Are people looking to buy products in the niche you’re thinking about? Tony says:.
Reader Interactions
There is no secret that blog writers want to be successful. Terms of service. You can build a successful blog covering all these topics if you target a specific audience : busy moms with interest in cooking and fashion. What are you doing to get traffic Gerald? Article written by: Jerry Low. January 16, at am. The readers mame read all your blog posts and open up all your emails are the most valuable. Thanks for sharing this valuable article. You didn’t need to answer him bro. Those loads of free icons? Depending upon the nature of your niche and level of understanding, you might look at different types of statistical data. People can give you advice on what niche to choose. When the daughter of Cinnamon and Jason, the owners how to make money using specific niche Pixie Faire, turned six, they realized how obsesses she is with dolls and their outfits. I would be very, very happy if this inspires some of usibg to take the next step and start monetizing your blog using the mentioned strategies.
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Thinking of starting a blog and you’re struggling with deciding on a blog niche? What should you write about? Which are the most lucrative blogs? What are the most profitable blog niches?
Let’s be real. You probably want to make money with your blog. So you don’t want to blindly throw yourself in a random blog niche just to find out you can’t monetize it. If you’re not thinking about making money with your blog and you just want to write about what you feel like writing, then there’s no need to decide on a specific niche.
Let your passion wild and create awesome content. But for you, business starters, I’ll go through the process of choosing a profitable blog niche.
By the end of this post, you should be ready to decide what blogging niche fits you best. Simply put, choosing a niche for your blog means focusing on a single topic overall. A niche blog has a general theme and all the posts cover the different aspects of that subject. Contrary to a multi-niched blog which doesn’t focus on a specific topic.
On a multi-niche blog, you can find different subjects. Most common such blogs are lifestyle blogs where you can find posts from home solutions, to fashion, health, and pets. An example would be the health niche.
It targets health topics while still containing a variety soecific different subjects. But it can be broken down into more sub-niches. In the health niche, some examples of sub-niches are: weight loss, diets, yoga, fitness. These can also be targeted to specific audience groups like: yoga for beginners or yoga for back painweight loss for computer geeksketo diet or low carb diet.
Take as an example the Curvyyoga blog. It’s in the yoga niche, yet it doesn’t speak generally but targets a certain audience — curvy people. When you break down the niche to a hwo audience, you can create more personal and relatable content focusing on specific problems. For example, while a young person interested in the health topic might look for how to build muscles, an elderly person might look for tips to improve flexibility and get rid of the pain. They have different problems needing different solutions.
Some years ago it was easier to get your blog noticed because it was way easier to rank your posts on Google with little effort. Keywords density used to play a huge role in ranking and all you needed to do was to use your main keyword multiple times through the post and bam — you rank well, sppecific a couple more tweaks, but the destiny was highly important.
If you want to rank your postsyou need ,oney convince Google your posts deserve to rank with more than having keywords sprinkled through the post. Google needs to know that you cover a certain topic in more depth bringing real value to your readers.
This is achieved by having lengthy posts above words where the context suggests you cover many aspects of the topic. And through links. Internal links to your other posts and those for outside resources. Internal relevant links are important because they show your blog is resourceful on the topic, and Google likes. With a blog niche all your posts will be relatedhence you’ll be able to interlink your posts each time you come up with new content.
It’s easier to gain backlinks to a niche blog. If you’re covering different topics from too, fashion, to personal thoughts, other bloggers might not want to send their readers to a resource that’s not focused on their specific area of. While the best practice is to have a blog niche because, in most cases, that’s the most profitable approachit doesn’t mean you aren’t able to successfully work around it.
Let’s take as an example the topics I mentioned earlier. A blog about food, fashion, and personal thoughts. Who might be interested in topics about food might not be interested to know about your thoughts or fashion.
Some will subscribe to your email list because they enjoyed your blog posts about trends in fashion. But will walk away after receiving emails about blog posts on food. Let’s say, for example, you’re a mom working from home trying to keep up with the multitude of tasks you have to take care of. You find brilliant ways to hpw time or money on speclfic and feed your fashion passion. Also, you like to share your thoughts about your experience so other moms can relate to it.
You can build a successful blog covering all these topics if you target a specific audience : busy moms with interest in cooking and fashion. Usually, people come to a blog and become avid readers because they are interested in the topic that blog covers. A specific topic.
If you’re all over the place with your blog posts, people that come across your blog once and enjoy a piece of content might not return. What will happen? You’ll lose them because you don’t offer solutions for their area of. If you focus on a single niche, you have the opportunity to build speccific loyal audience. The readers who read all your blog posts and open up all your emails are the most valuable.
They are the ones you want to keep close secific satisfied. An example would be the Social Media Examiner blog. They write insightful posts about social media marketing. Hence, those interested in the topic know to come to their blog for everything social. They subscribe, are active and returning readers, share the content, and trust the brand. Because you’ll be writing a lot about the niche in your blog posts, you’ll get to master it even if you knew nothing about moneg topic in the beginning.
If you have knowledge in the niche you choose, you’ll gain even more wisdom. If you pick a niche because you want to learn more about the topic, you. And big time. A blog niche sets you as an expert in the niche.
Which should be on your business plan. Authority and being seen as an expert in your niche will bring more attention to your blog through mentions, shares, backlinks. Coming up with content ideas for your blog is not always easy. You’ll experience writer’s blocks and you’ll be out of fresh ideas.
It may seem that covering more topics gives you more freedom to chose what to write. Because there are more topics, there should be more ideasright? When you are able to choose from more topics you may find yourself overwhelmed without knowing where to start looking for ideas. Besides having a clear idea about the direction of your blog, you’ll also have the opportunity to inspire yourself from older posts.
Because they are all on the same theme, you can analyze the results of older posts and decide your next moves based on data. You’ll also have an audience interested in that specific topic and a goldmine of content ideas. If your spedific is engaging, leaving comments, giving feedback, you’ll find spefific posts ideas in their content.
Extra advantage: The more you write about that topic, the easier it will be for you to write your blog posts. It’s true that any blog can be monetized through AdSense or affiliate links. But this doesn’t mean there aren’t niches that make more money than. Monetizing through AdSense might bring in some bucks but your blog can also have more to suffer than to gain. Ads might draw people away from your blog. With a niche blog, you open yourself to the possibility of making money with your blog with the most profitable approach — through your own products.
Maybe you’re not ready yet to create your own products to offer. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking mwke your blog plan in the long run. After all, your blog is not just a hobby, it’s a business. And you should take your decisions accordingly. What I want to mention is if you start a blog from pure passion without caring about monetizing it, then you should just skip these points.
For those looking to make money with a blog, here are the best practices to find a profitable niche. Even though the sole purpose of you starting a blog is to make money bloggingyou still shouldn’t oversee how interested you are in the topic you chose to blog. It doesn’t need to be your most fiery passion, jsing it’s niiche to enjoy what you write. You’ll be writing a lot about the same topic.
At least one time a week. The more interested you are in the topic, the more speciific and eager you’ll be to find the best resources for information and improve your knowledge about the subject. Money can be a great motivation for liking. If you can generate passionthen you can go on with any topic that’s profitable.
It’s true that you can learn things down the way. And you. But you need to have something to get started. There are topics where you’re able to write resourceful and qualitative content if you do your research right. But in some cases, you can’t pose yourself as a teacher in the topic if you don’t have your own experience .
How Much Money Do Niche Sites Earn on Average?
Monetiztion ideas: 3 clever ways to monetize your blog
There are many different types of websites. A niche site or blog is ohw very popular type of website which is dedicated to covering a specific topic and can have anywhere from 20 pages to pages depending on the niche. A niche site or blog will not get tons of traffic every month, but can have anywhere between 1, to 10, visitors per month. It must focus on a specific topic and provide both useful and interesting information about that topic.
A Quick Reminder…
You need to write high quality posts about one specific topic and you need to find specific keywords that you want to rank for in the search engines to get the most relevant search traffic. People create niche blogs or sites to rank highly in the search engines quickly specjfic their targeted keywords and make money using a variety of methods. A niche blog or website can provide you with a consistent stream of income if you write quality posts or articles around the right keywords, and market the blog or site to the right niche audience. It is important to understand how an authority, authority niche, niche and micro niche blog or site differs from one. An authority site is a site that is built around a specific niche or topic and that covers not only the main niche but all of the other niches or topics and sub-niches in detail within it. Work is not a niche. Each of the above niches and sub-niches can be narrowed down further to smaller sections or niches or sub-niches. You will need nihce write dozens of posts about each of the above niches and sub-niches nicche then create another posts per small or sub-niche within each of these niches or sub-niches. An authority blog or site is essentially an authority niche blog or site. A money making niche blog is built around a specific topic and usually consists of 20, 50 or even well-written posts depending on the niche and age of the blog or site. However, it cannot be called an authority niche or authority blog if it does not cover all the topics or sub-niches specifjc it thoroughly. A micro niche blog or site would cover a small topic that is very specific and it generally consists specofic only a few articles, blog posts or pages of content. If you want to build and momey a niche blog or site you should cover the mxke niche well by posting unique and interesting posts on it.
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