People seem to be clamoring for more creative, indie-driven games that they can sink their teeth. We all know Minecraftand The Binding of Isaacbut how do you make money off of these great and creative titles? This is somewhat an anomaly in the gaming world, as Stardew Valley exploded, being ported to nearly every platform. The most recent release on iOS in Octoberand Androids at a later date. This should motivate game developers with a vision and a dream to bring an indie game to life and perhaps launch it on Steam to critical and commercial acclaim. Stardew may have sold 1. Not bad for a one-man project. The tricky part of this is making your indie title sustainable, scalable, and ever present like Stardew Valley mzke. And the many ports to other systems keeps it always relevant, always on the dashboard, literally and figuratively, of gamers every day. I stumbled upon the blog of game developer Cliffskiwho regularly posts tips, stories, and helpful advice for game developers. I made more than k from gratuitous can you make money from indie games battles, from democracy 3, from frlm tank battles and from production line still in early access.
Make Money Playing Trivia Games Online
At the time of writing, a quick check of stats on steamspy for player unknown:battlegrounds reveals this chart:. So the average income per employee there is a million dollars. Include sequels, potential DLC, merchandise and so on, and you can probably round it up to 25 million. But the problem is, the chances of Joe Indie game developer achieving this are close enough to zero as makes no difference. Taking the mid point, and looking at the top game I wont pick on it publicly, so lets not name it. Steamspy says…. Are we really thinking they sound so out of whack? You are either in the top 0. Its really no different from waiting tables whilst pretending to be an actress, or avoiding admitting you are unemployed by claiming to be a writer. There is virtually nothing I can do about this, and nothing you can do about this, but there is something we can collectively do to at least minimize the collateral damage:. Lets admit that the default position for an indie game developer is pretty much poverty.
Make Money Playing Video Games
If you want to make money, maybe one day buy a house, start a family, have a pension, why are you making indie games? You KNOW you are almost certainly screwed right? Your chances of success are incredibly, incredibly small. This is not a sensible career. This is not a wise career move. This is almost certainly personal financial suicide. Han solo is wrong about his topic.
Stardew Valley- a Million Dollar Game
Showing 1 — 5 of 5 comments. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Joined: Jul 8, Posts: Last edited by sitebender ; 16 Jan, am. For Zombies vs. Success comes and goes in waves at the moment our latest game isn’t performing as well as it should be and it can be stressful as hell, but I guess it’s in my blood to be tenacious because I just keep keeping on. Kuroato : very interesting post, thank you. For The Hero’s Journey? Can I build a game that is «Trend Proof»?.. Joined: Oct 12, Posts: Joined: Nov 1, Posts: 4,
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Cliffski and Solo Game Developing
Could I make a living being an Indie Game Dev? Joined: Jan 17, Posts: I’ll admit, I’ve been doing a lot of google searches lately about how much new indie game devs make, or the average, incie for a different reason. I’m not trying to make ijdie of dollars, although it’d be nice it’s not what I’m expecting. I’m not asking for numbers, as of right now I work at UPS, 3 days a week 5 hours a day.
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