Be careful with glitching it can result in banning or kicking, I do not recommend doing any of these very. The glitches may be patched. Sasy only have 2 glitches for. Nurse job glitch, simply go to the hospital and jump where you start your shift. Jump on the glowing circle that lets you do so, start your shift, end it, start it, end it and do this about 6 or 7 times. Finally start your shift and every helped patient rather you helped them or some other person you will be rewarded 10 times more then usual and you will see every time you help someone it will show you have helped 10 then you help 2 and it will show you helped House glitch. Get your house and empty it of mqke thing inside. Place a flat screen tv or any item you can get that cost the most money.
Notice: We do not create the codes! Firebrand1, the creator of RoCitizens, adds the codes. So please do not ask us for more codes! This page is just here to easily access all of the codes. To enter in a code, go to the shop on the bottom left corner, and then choose the last tab on the window that pops up it reads Codes. Then, click the black box in the middle and enter in the code! Remember, if you reset your progress , you will not be able to redeem these codes:. The following is a list of all the different codes and what you get when you put them in. Please note that we do not make the codes , so be patient while we wait for new ones! The following list is of codes that used to be in the game, but they are no longer available for use. Don’t worry, if you have already put in these codes, you won’t lose what you got! Sign In Don’t have an account? Start a Wiki. Remember, if you reset your progress , you will not be able to redeem these codes: Codes The following is a list of all the different codes and what you get when you put them in.
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Out of Date Codes The following list is of codes that used to be in the game, but they are no longer available for use. Categories :.
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Your email address will not be published. You will get the money in your Roblox account, which is allotted, for that particular working code and enjoy the huge world of the game with this extra money. Rocitiizens Roblox is a multiplayer rocitizenns which allows the users to play a bundle of games and also allow to have self-made games. Step 5: — Whoa! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Your email address will not be published. There are so many Rocitizens working codes available on the internet. Koiibiito 3 days ago.
Rocitizens money glitch 2020! Easy money!
And yes it has newer redeem codes in it that you can use to gain access to special goodies and items in the game. But what exactly are Rocitizen codes? That brings us. In this article we have aesy New and Working Rocitizens codes that you can use in the game.
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We have included Rocitizens codes for Money, Music, items, house. All these Rocitizens codes are working in If you just want the codes, jump. Rocitizens is a game about you as an individual. The game has over million visits and been eaay the pn page several times. Within the game, you can choose from 6 Careers ranging from Crime all the way to Law Enforcement! You can buy and furnish 8 different homes with a wide variety of furniture. In Rocitizens, the possibilities are endless! They are only given out by official Roblox Staff members. So these codes are like easter eggs to be short.
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