I just recently did some spring cleaning and decided to unload a bunch of old books to make a few bucks. I look the book up on Amazon. You will find that some people sell books for as cheap as a penny. I am not sure why, but it definitely happens. If the lowest used price is worth my time, I then go to my Amazon seller account homepage you can open an account. Once logged in, you ueed get to your dashboard — see the image below…. Here, you can select the item type, but I mostly use the ISBN number — it is quicker and more accurate. Once you pull up your user item, Amazon will take you through a few more steps asking questions about your item. They will want to know…. Amazon charges lots of fees only on items that sell. This step is optional, but will definitely increase the chances that your books will sell and will help you sell them quicker.
Can You Sell Unwanted Books Online?
However you do it, you will hopefully be left with large stacks of books to dispose of. I like to start with BookScouter. Remember, all of these websites pay based on what they think they can sell book for, so books with higher demand will sell for more. If you live near a HPB, this is a great solution for selling your books. You pack up your books, bring them in, and then wait at the store while a bookseller appraises your books. The first is through their trade-in program. For the trade-in program, you search your book edition, find the ISBN the 13 digit code typically on the back or on the copyright page , and check if Amazon will offer you money for your book. Fill out a brief questionnaire about the condition of your book, and then Amazon will give you a shipping label. Just, like, try to buy a book from a local indie to even out your book-buying karma later.
Print Books Are Still in Demand
You can also sell books the traditional way on Amazon, by setting up a seller account and listing your books. This is totally doable, but it does take some commitment. They prefer to only take books in excellent condition. You can get money via PayPal or you can get store credit. Use BookScouter to try to determine which of these sites will offer you the most money back. Finally, also check out your nearby indies for local places where to sell used books. Many of them offer cash back for your books or store credit. Always call ahead and check on their requirements. It will help you avoid any costs or complaints when you go to sell books. If there is some shelf-wear on the book, say so.
It’s wonderful to have too many books rather than too few. Put one or two of your books on Amazon and think of that as a traffic source This could be knowing which editions are collectable, or having useful contacts in the antique or vintage trade. Some websites e. The key, when you choose what topics to write about, is to choose eBook topics in the same way you would choose an online article topic — based on the demand for that topic and the availability of it throughout the net. Remember, you can always outsource the writing to an expert as well. The first step is obviously writing an eBook.
How to Cite
It’s wonderful to have too many books rather than too. Also, if you’re selling your ebooks on Amazon you can do paid ads directly on Amazon to promote your books to a highly targeted audience based on keyword searches and specific make money selling used christian books like related ,oney. Once you have them on your email list you can follow up with them and sell them additional ebooks from your own site, at a higher price point. Which of these options should you go with? Usev I should make that an online bookstore! I seem to collect books and have a hard time getting rid of. If I have any books Chridtian don’t wish to keep, then I take them to the charity shop. To protect the environment — Buying a pre-owned book is a good way of saving landfill and recycling resources.
Language & Lit
I write about employment issues, ways monye earn money and how to get best value selliing spending it. Many books are read once or not at all and then given to a thrift shop, sold at auction or discarded by being left on public transport. If you want to raise some cash, you may be able to sell them curistian for a profit. Selling books online as a home-based business is very competitive. If you want to be successful, you need to have a professional attitude.
If you don’t want to cbristian a business, but just want to clear your own stock of used books, you can try selling them to one of the established online sellimg re-sellers. The video below describes how little you can expect to get for second-hand books if you in the UK. The sums received in the US are likely to be similar. Xelling websites reviewed in the video are webuybooks. The best way to start is to advertise a few of your own books you no longer want sellung need. This gives you the chance to see if you can make a profit.
If you find the effort is not worth it, you have had no outlay and so lost. It’s a competitive market, so you need to stand out from the crowd. Aim to be 1 for customer sellimg by fulfilling orders quickly and accurately.
Make sure the goods are well packaged so they don’t get damaged in transit. If you find you enjoy selling books online and make oboks profit then you will need to find more stock. Maek is where experience and research will help you succeed. Just because a book is old, it doesn’t mean it’s valuable. The opposite can also be true. Some newly published books are sought after because small print runs cannot keep up with demand.
Thrift stores and charity shops sell cheap second-hand books. However eslling internet makes achievable prices visible to everyone and so it’s becoming more difficult to find hidden gems in these stores. Nonetheless, if you specialize in a particular subject area, it is still possible to find a valuable book in a thrift store.
Persistence and knowledge are the keys to success in this business, although luck also plays a. Auction sites online and auction houses offline are also worth checking out for used books. House clearances can be a good source of book collections. Often relatives of the deceased just want to clear the house with as little hassle as possible. If you have transport you may even be paid selilng executors to take hundreds of books away for dumping, and be able to retrieve a couple of gems from the dross.
AbeBooks and eBay are popular re-seller marketplaces for second-hand and used books. Anyone can list books for sale on them and name their asking price. Sellong you want to make regular sales, don’t be greedy; price realistically. The video below shows how using a use pricing app together with a portable bluetooth scanner make finding and pricing stock much easier than it used to be. This scanner and phone app combo has saved me hours of time.
There are two main categories of second-hand books. The first and most common is a book which has been owned by someone else yourself or another person and is now being resold at a percentage of the monry cover price.
This category could include textbooks for students, popular fiction, or ordinary books which are being sold off following the death of their original owner.
The second and smaller category is rare and collectable books. The values in this sector of the second-hand book market can be highly volatile. The way you describe your books online is crucially important to a successful sale. Photographs as well as words can help a potential buyer understand exactly what you are selling.
They need to know not just the title and date of publication chrisrian the book, but also a detailed description of its condition. This is especially important for higher value items. Photos and descriptions of your books are a key part of your marketing. Be as detailed and accurate as possible. If a website allows you to do so, post lots bbooks photos. These should show the front back and spine of the book, as well as any illustrations. If there is any damage, it is mohey to make money selling used christian books a photo of this as.
The description of your book should include the date of publication, title and author, as well as the illustrator if relevant. If it is a modern book it will also have an ISBN number which is a unique identifier relating to the publishing format chrsitian date of publication. If there is anything unique about the book, for example it is signed by the author then this should also be included in the description.
The book should be presented in as clean a condition as possible. If there are any marks these should be seelling in the description. It is not a good idea to jsed and remove them with modern chemicals as this can damage the paper or binding. You can quickly reduce a valuable book to scrap paper by thinking restoration is easy! Books are heavy. Most buyers will expect to have their books delivered to them and you need to consider shipping and postage costs when you price your wares.
Some sepling have standard welling charge e. This may not cover the actual shipping costs. So make sure the book sale price is sufficient to cover your outgoings and make a profit for you. Some websites e. You may also be able to specify different costs for tracked delivery compared to standard delivery.
For rare and collectable books, use a traceable delivery method in case the package gets lost in transit. Remember to include the cost of your bubble mailer and Scotch tape in your shipping costs. Depending on the size of the book, these can be as sel,ing as the postal charge.
It is worth using good sellling packing materials. These will ensure that your buyer receives their book s undamaged by any rough handling in transit. Happy customers mean repeat purchases and recommendations to their friends. Rare and antique books are a specialist market within the general antiques and collectables trade. There are always investors with cash to splash even in times of recession.
When interest rates are low, cash moves into other investment classes. For truly valuable and rare books, online booksellers are not the best place to find reliable information on achievable prices.
These websites show the price a seller would like to achieve, not what a buyer is actually willing to pay. The seller has nothing to lose by asking a totally unachievable price in the hope of catching someone with more money than sense.
If you have any books you think may have special value, I recommend you take photos of the covers and a few of the inside pages of the books. Then after phoning first, email the pictures to some auction houses or specialist book traders. People chrristian be generous with their knowledge and time.
Like any business, selling books online for profit takes hard work and determination. Many people start home-based businesses to fit around childcare or other family responsibilities.
But it’s not an easy option! You will need to remain self-motivated despite days or weeks of no sales. To make this type of side hustle pay you need specialist knowledge. This could be knowing which editions are collectable, or having useful contacts in the sslling or vintage trade. Getting the right books useed sell and matching them to waiting customers is the key to success. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.
To comment on this article, you must sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. This is a terrific topic and well-covered. I have way too many books and need to unload. Useful hub here, Beth. I often buy books online but usually new ones. I rarely get rid of books as I don’t like to do so; I’ve always chosen my books well, often read before I buy my own copy and so have copies of books I like to re-read.
If I have any books I don’t wish to keep, then I take them to the charity shop. I don’t think I’d ever sell online but this is a clear description of how to do it for those who want to. Thanks for sekling the great tips.
I have had male limited success selling used books online. I browse thrift stores everywhere I go looking for books. I will be using some of the information you have presented here to hopefully increase sales.
What a fabulous Hub! I love books. You have some great ideas and tips.
Books give you knowledge. But besides the few favorites that you love and perhaps go back to from time to time, the rest of these books are just gathering dust. There are tons of places on the internet where you can sell those paperbacks and hardbacks that you no longer read.
More Money Hacks
You might be wondering if you can get more money if you sell your old books in person, or in a local store. They make it so easy to get cash for your used books! Below, we list the top book buyback websites and online marketplaces where you can sell used books. Our list mostly includes buyback websites, because there are more of them out there than online marketplaces that cater to books. You simply enter the ISBN of the book, then BookScouter searches over 40 different buyer sites to find the ones that will pay the highest amount for your book. Still not convinced? Read my BookScouter review for more reasons why you should always check with BookScouter. Instead of creating a marketplace to make your used books available to potential buyers, they will buy them directly from you. To find out if your book meets their criteria, simply enter the ISBN of the book in the provided search box and hit enter. Read my Cash4Books review for more details and tips on getting more money for your used books. If you have a lot of books, it can get tedious to enter one ISBN, hit enter, get a price, then go through the whole thing over and over again for every single book. They also have apps that make it extremely easy to sell your books for the highest price. Instead of entering ISBN syou simply scan it with the app.
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