This is a place for fans and players of the game to make connections, discuss lore, formulate strategies, share ideas and generally just enjoy each other’s company. So whats the best way to make mzke in Sunless sea now? I Have not actually played the game since the major nerf to sunlight smuggling, but im starting to get back into it. Whats the most consistent way to make money now that sunlight is limited? Running coffee is still very lucrative. Taking it to the surface is a good bet, or the more complicated but still more profitable run of: Taking mushroom wine to the apes and exchanging it for coffee Taking the coffee to Irem to exchange for parabola linen Taking the parabola linen to Adam’s Way and selling it Head back to London to buy more wine and repeat. That’s how I’ve been doing it, anyway — although I don’t know how well you’ll do if you don’t have the merchant cruiser as sfa all I’ve been using.
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Sunless Sea Store Page. Global Achievements. But those threads are old. And you now get yearning burning to deter you from selling to much sunlight? Also the only way to lose yearning burning is at your lodgings? Any tips or ideas for a newer player? It takes awhile with the starting ship, and sometimes you get into a lull where the lifebergs only drop a key that most of the time gives you crap.
Tips greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Showing 1 — 15 of 21 comments.
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Wealth is a seemingly impossible thing to acquire in the Unterzee, but once you explore you will find more than enough opportunities to make you rich. You are here because want the ambition of wealth, which requires 10k echoes for the Zeeside Mansion. Here is a quick guide on some of the money schemes you can attempt. Ok, so you have started your grand adventure! Not much in the way of money, but we can make it work. To start, just start going to Admiral and start the Strategic Information mission. You know how it works, sail to port, collect the info, and head on back for those sweet, sweet echoes. Instead of just giving him the information, we can increase our profit a bit. Wait until you get 2 Strategic Information. You can now make it into Vital Information.
When the dots light up all the way around the skull, your terror score increases by one. Dratoran View Profile View Posts. Lemonhead View Profile View Posts. Install Steam. Last edited by Lemonhead ; 19 Jan, pm. More detailed information about how to accrue Echo are covered below. Full Power! It makes Red Honey look like chump change. Almost everything in the game can be bought or sold for Echoes , so naturally it is a very import part of the game. This page was last edited on 16 July , at Pages is a widely use stat for challenges and is involved in obtaining secrets. Go to Demeaux Island and gather supplies until you have 50 Terror. Check my guide if you need more details on the particulars.
Your trade route is good, but there is one even better, you just have to go a little bit further! Id recommend a ship with a forward and deck weapon slot. Showing 1 — 13 of 13 comments. Terror, Fuel and Supplies are three constantly changing values in the game. The question of when to repair your ship and through which option is going to differ from player sunless sea make money fast player. You may not always get a new officer from this event, as it is determined randomly. However, there are also a number of interactions in the game that give no indication that Terror will increase or decrease. Another tip is to use your lucky day up at irem.
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page.
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Sunless Sea Store Page. Global Achievements. Most money-making guides either are very outdated, or only give echoes profit, most of which I’ll probably blow on fuel anyways. Is there any really good way to get thousands of echoes without spending a million years grinding? Overall solid except for money. Last edited by Lord Ragnaros ; 19 Jan, pm. Showing 1 — 13 of 13 comments. Lemonhead View Profile View Posts. The best way to make money fast is by trading Sunlight. You really need the Dea Bruiser to do it effectively though, so I hope you kept him. Simple version: Use a 40 cargo ship.
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