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Wheresgeorge bills make money

wheresgeorge bills make money

A group of hobbyists has been tracking the movement of stamped «Where’s George? When you hear the words «social network» you probably think of Facebook or Twitter. But years before either of those websites — when most of us weren’t using the Internet at all — a smaller, stranger community was emerging around something called WheresGeorge. At the next table over, David Henry has his stacks of cash in plastic bags. Avid users of wheresgeorge. Stan Alcorn for NPR hide caption. For this group, it’s all about the George Washingtons. Their dollars wheresgeorge bills make money makee with messages like «currency tracking project» and «Track me at WheresGeorge.

Where’s George? Headquarters

Have you ever wondered where the dollar bills in your pocket have been? Or where will they go after you spend them? One Massachusetts data base consultant decided to find out. Now you can too. Where’s George? Users enter the serial number from a bill into the website to see where it has been or start the record tracking its journey. When the next person enters the bill in the website, the bill’s journey is updated and everyone who entered the bill is alerted. All users face a challenge in letting others know that their bills were entered at WheresGeorge. To help alert subsequent bill handlers to the bills’ registered status, many users mark them with the website address and a short message. Is it legal to write on or mark currency? The law defines ‘illegal’ defacement as defacement that renders bills unfit to be re-issued. For legal details from the the U. Close search. All About Currency Tracking. It was created to simply allow people to track their currency as it circulates around the country and around the world. Please join in the fun!

I seriously doubt the Secret Service is going to beat down your door for it but that’s up to you. More Games Businesses. We pay with either coins or paper money. I tried. Show more answers The stamp also showed how much each coin was worth. Some ppl don’t write or stamp on it but it still may be in the database anyway.


He told me that he would let me enter bills again if I promised him that I would never never do such a bad thing. It used to be a lot easier to enter bills, but the new site makes you do extra cliks and forces ads on you to the point where its almost no fun anymore. Upon contact with the owner I was told that I did a very very bad thing entering a bill I did not. I got a dollar bill, seriesstamped three different times. Headquarters Harvard St. This is a fun site if you’re interested in where your money has been or where it’s going Bascially this is a fun site to see where your money has. Serial FL. It includes cheeks, credit cards, blls travellers checks. Toys «R» Us. You can sign in to vote the answer. Wherresgeorge mocks ‘foolish’ plans for NYC sea wall. How do you think about the answers?

We use cookies for analytics, personalization, and ads. Where’s George? Write a Review Ask a Question Share. Claim This Nills. Make monsy your. I’ve been a Georger for almost a year. I love it. This is my latest hobby. I am up to almost hits. Join in. I love this site and have been on it for 17 years.

I have entered over 81, bills and have great statistics on all of them It is quite a specialized site and I think it does exactly what it needs to. Yes 1. That being said, the website hasn’t changed much since I started. Yes 3. For something that looks like it could be fun it has been made way to difficult.

I already have an email address on file but don’t remember the password. Email never came to reset password. Sorry to the people who are trying to track the bills. I tried. I’ve been on this site going on 8 years. I absolutely love it. It is always interesting to see where wheresgoerge end up. The site is very user friendly and premium options like the Friends of George program really help elevate the user experience.

Yes 4. It used to be a lot easier to enter bills, but the new site makes you do extra cliks and forces ads on you to the point where its almost no fun anymore. The owner changed the site. Runs it as if he is doing you a favor. When we are the ones who makke entering bills and helping to advertise HIS website. Without us he would have no website and would not make any money from the ads that now run on it. When I entered a bill there was a bill with the same number as mine but different year so I entered it with that year also to see where it came from and how long it was out there I discovered that it was not hit for over 8 years nor was the george member active for about that long.

Must have died waiting for the bill to be hit on. With no explanation I was suspended. Upon contact with the owner I was told that I did a very very bad thing entering a bill I did not. He told me that he would let me enter bills again if I promised him that I would never never do such a bad thing. I am not a child and I will not kiss his ass so that I can advertise his website to thousands of people. He could have been decent and just told me that I broke the rules instead of treating me like a child sending me to my room without even stating why.

And then expecting me to kiss his ass. I can advertise for another tracking wheresgeodge just as. There are other tracking sites you can use beside this one I wheresgorge you use. Owner of site changed rules and no longer allows you to make personalized comments to the bills you post and wiped away hundreds of hours of time spent by many doing so.

Knee jerk reaction to to a much smaller group causing some form of problem. Inflexable when confronted, be aware your efforts may be negated in the future. Only state this because Whresgeorge can not get back the time I spent keying in nor can I any longer see the creative replies where I knew I had truly touched.

Where’s George is a bill tracking site. The hobby is known as «Georging» and those who do it are «Georgers. Bills monwy marked in various ways — some folks use a rubber stamp, some hand-write wherfsgeorge message. As long as the serial number does not get messed up, it is not «defacing» or illegal. I write in the margins: «Where’s George?

Register me at wheresgeorge. You get a score based on the number of hits registered on bills you have entered, distance traveled, number of days since your last activity. I have been Georging for about ten years. I wheresgsorge had hits from 28 states, two from Germany, and one from Egypt. Yet I’m nowhere near those individuals that have had hits from every state capital in the country.

Or from every county in their state. Where’s Willy is the Canadian equivalent. Yes 6. I’ve been a member of this site for over 6 months. I love it, I don’t get as many ‘hits’ as I would like, but it’s still entertaining to see where your money goes all over the world.

There’s also a site for canadian money as. Theres no fee, and no attempt to collect money from the users, just a free site to kill some time while at work.

This is a fun site if you’re interested in where your money has been or where it’s going What you do is you can enter the serial number on your bills, all denominations, and if someone has entered this same bill into the site, it’ll tell you where it’s. It’s a fun tracking. I’ve gotten bills from overseas where military personnel had exchanged it for foreign currency and I got a dollar bill that had traveled all the way from Germany to me in Texas.

You can start by entering your own and the site keeps a list of the bills you entered and you can track them and see where they’re at whenever you want. I got one from Louisiana today that had traveled miles in 4 days. Some people order a stamp to stamp their bills with the web address on there to let others know it’s been entered but if you’re worried about writing on US money, of course, you don’t have to.

I seriously doubt the Secret Service is going to beat down your door for it but that’s up to you. I’ve written the web address on many asked that they be entered.

Some ppl don’t write or stamp on it but it still may be in the database. Anyway, I find it fun and interesting and boy, do I need a life but hey, it’ll work until I get one, lol. Helpful answer 0 Votes Thanks for voting! Not as helpful. I am an occasional user of WG but I am now getting blocked bipls the site, Is there a way to get back on? No answers. Answer this question. Respond as company. Get answers from the Where’s George? Note: this is not for reviews — click here to write a review.

Posting guidelines. Typical questions asked: How long does shipping take? What is the return policy? Where is the company located? Headquarters Harvard St. More Games Businesses. Toys «R» Us. Sites You Might Also Like. Register now for free — get notified of new reviews, respond to consumer feedback, add new photos to your page and much. Manage your wheresgeeorge. Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter.

wheresgeorge com 20 Dollar Bill

Wondering in what locations your dollar bills will travel to and wheresgeorge bills make money This article will explain to you how to track those bills as they enter and leave locations via WheresGeorge, a popular dollar-bill tracking website. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 4, times.

Track your dollar bills!

Categories: Handling and Storing Money. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article.


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